Saturday, April 30, 2016

New Plans For The Back Patio

Hi Friends.  We have a change in plans today.  Why, you may ask?  Well, you know how different regions of the country have different building regulations?  Seems the regulation in Indiana is to build up dirt, and/or dirt and rock, or just rock up to the frost line on the foundation which is marked by black, which is one foot from the top of the foundation, which means three feet up from the ground level.  Still with me?  Of course you are.

Now, originally we were going to build a patio that came right off the back of the house, but since we have this new regulation (and not enough dirt to fill the requirements, so we're bringing in rock) we won't be able to make the patio come right off the house.  We will have to have a step down.  Unless . .. . . we have a deck, which Ron doesn't really want because of maintenance issues.  

We have some new planning to do.  We have some things to figure out and work on.  We have some ideas.  One idea is to make a screened porch area.  I've been pushing for that since we began the process of designing the cottage.  Anyway, I'll get back to you on how that all turns out, but in the meantime we are going to have a whole lot of rock delivered, which is not my favorite thing but then neither is pipe, and it turns out pipe is very exciting after all.  

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you have a fantastic Saturday.  

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