Friday, June 24, 2016

Update on the Building Project

I have been asked why there are no more updates on the house. To catch you up, let me explain that we are waiting on roof trusses to be delivered and set up. Ron has been busying himself with odds and ends jobs, and with ordering materials, and with a few other things that need to be done. The trusses were suppose to be here this weekend but they are delayed a week. Delays are normal when doing construction like this, so we just put ourselves into "chill" gear, and wait it out in the coming week. When the trusses do arrive, it will be "hurry up" time to get the roof on before the next heat wave or set of storms. I will be so glad when Ron is under cover or the rest of the building process.

In the meantime, one of the ordering items was for the windows and doors. I had to pick out all of them, and that was a little scary, to tell the truth. I don't know if I picked out the right things for the house style, I am just going to hope I did. I also had to pick out hardware because the door has hinges attached. I picked pewter.

And, now I'm going to share this lovely plate with you that I saw at Kohls. I want it in my kitchen. I love it! Barns are so inviting, don't you think?

So, that's about it for this post. Sorry it's short and I don't have more. Hopefully in a week I"ll have lots of pics for you, of the roof going up. And, oh, I almost forget to tell you that I also had to pick out the roof color. I didn't pick brown or red or gold. I picked black and grey mix. Now, what exterior colors goes with that color of roof? If you have any ideas about that, please share in the comments. I need help with colors.

Thanks for stopping by. Love ya all.

1 comment:

  1. So neat to watch the progress! And yes, I LOVE barns! I have a barn theme going in our little dining room, might need to make a trip to Kohl's to see if our store has this plate!
